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" While breastfeeding is a natural act, it is also a learned behaviour. The reality is that almost every woman can breastfeed, have enough breastmilk for her baby, and learn how to overcome problems of all sizes. It is almost always simply a matter of practical knowledge and not luck."


La Leche League

Breastfeeding is a journey: a path where the baby and mother go hand in hand.

Breastfeeding topics I can help you with: 



  • Preparing for breastfeeding

  • Colostrum harvesting during pregnancy

  • First days after birth: colostrum, foremilk

  • Milk coming in

  • Correct latching and sucking technique

  • Breastfeeding positions

  • Breastfeeding after cesarean section

  • Expressing breastmilk

  • Breastfeeding problems: breast engorgement, mastitis, breastfeeding strike, among others

  • Preparing to return to work

  • Stopping breastfeeding, weaning


"I have been struggling with a painful latch and Judit helped me find a new comfortable position. We are getting on so much better now with breastfeeding and I no longer have any discomfort. Judit, your support, advice and the comfort you offered our family… was invaluable."

Niki S.



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